Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

Inheritus has implemented all measures necessary for compliance with Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) which came into effect on January 1, 2004 and the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) which became effective on May 25, 2018 and is committed to protecting the privacy of its clients, business partners and employees. Our Compliance Officer is responsible for ensuring that our day-to-day procedures comply with PIPEDA, HIPAA, GDPR and other data privacy and protection regulations. If you have any questions or concerns, you should write to the Data Compliance Officer at Inheritus Inc., 10 Four Seasons Pl., Suite 1000, Toronto, ON M9B 6H7. You should be aware that other linked Internet sites may contain privacy provisions that differ from the provisions provided herein.

Use Of Information

We may use information you have provided to us, for example, to provide a service, ensure proper shipments, billings, measure market interest and inform you of our products and services. If you provide your email address, or have done so in the past, or if we obtain your email address from a third-party, we may send you email offers. These email offers may come directly from Inheritus or from a third-party. When we send emails to you, we may be able to identify information about your email address, such as whether you can read certain kinds of emails. If your email address is HTML-enabled, we may choose to send you graphics-based emails.

We will not provide your email address to our business partners. However, we may send you promotional offers on behalf of our business partners. Note that if you respond to an offer from an Inheritus business partner and become their client, they may want to send independent promotional offers to you. In this case, you will need to inform them separately if you wish to decline receiving future offers from them.

Consent, Collection And Disclosure

By visiting our website and providing information to us you are signifying your implicit consent to the collection and use of this information as described in the Use Of Information section above. We will only collect the minimum amount of information necessary in order to properly service you and no information will be provided to any business partner or third-party except as identified above. We will only retain the information provided by you for the period of time dictated by business or legal requirements and will dispose of information in a manner compliant with PIPEDA such as the shredding of paper-based documents.

Access To Information

Upon receipt of your written request for access to your information, we will inform you of the information we currently have and provide a copy to you within sixty days of receipt. We will advise you if there will be any charges for providing this information. If information cannot be disclosed for legal reasons you will be informed of this. If you believe that we possess incorrect or incomplete information about you, you should write immediately to: Data Compliance Officer at Inheritus Inc. 10 Four Seasons Pl., Suite 1000, Toronto, ON M9B 6H7. Any and all information which is found to be incorrect or incomplete will be corrected promptly.


All correspondence is designed so as to safeguard the security and privacy of all client personal information and protect against loss or theft. When you send confidential personal information to us from the Inheritus Website, we require that a secured session be established using Secure HTTP (https) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encrypted with a 128-bit or stronger key. For more information on TLS/SSL and the security and confidentiality of personal data transmissions over the Internet, please see the appropriate website.

Richard Sanders, CPA, CA, CBV is a seasoned professional and Partner at a leading global Accounting firm, bringing over 35 years of invaluable experience to the advisory board. With a background in Accounting & Finance, he has demonstrated a keen sense of the challenges to business management and growth throughout his career.

Having held key partnerships with several Accounting firms, Richard has a proven track record of success in advising businesses in areas ranging from Audit to Internal Controls, Tax and Valuations. His strategic thinking has been crucial in guiding organizations through periods of startup and growth.

As an advisory board member, Richard provides strategic counsel and invaluable insights on Audit, Finance and Accounting. His expertise and vision play a vital role in shaping the organization’s strategy and driving sustainable growth over the long term.

Richard holds a Bachelor of Accounting & Business Management from the University of Toronto. He continues to stay at the forefront of the Accounting industry’s developments through ongoing education and professional development initiatives.

Richard’s passion for success and his commitment to guiding businesses make him an invaluable asset to the advisory board.

Bob is a distinguished leader in Software M&A, bringing over 40 years of invaluable experience to the advisory board. With a background in the Canadian & US Information Technology sectors, he has demonstrated a keen understanding of the challenges driving business innovation and fostering growth throughout his career.

Having held prominent roles within the Fortune 500, Bob has a proven track record of success in supercharging business growth. His strategic acumen and forward-thinking approach have been instrumental in guiding organizations through periods of change and transformation.

As an advisory board member, Bob provides strategic counsel and invaluable insights on business development, partnerships and strategic alliances. His expertise and vision play a vital role in shaping the organization’s long-term strategy and driving sustainable growth.

Bob holds a BSc in Physics and Mathematics from the University of Ottawa. He continues to stay at the forefront of the Information Technology industry’s developments through ongoing education and professional development initiatives.

Bob’s passion for excellence and his unwavering commitment to the Software Industry make him an invaluable asset to the advisory board, driving the organization’s mission and vision forward with clarity and purpose.

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